G&L Transcription of NJ is your one source for Certified Court Transcripts
anywhere in New Jersey.
All of our Court Transcribers are independently licensed and
certified by the Administrative Office of the Courts of the State of New Jersey.
When you need an overnight or seven day Court
Transcript our team of Certified Transcribers are always available.
G&L Transcription of NJ has over 25 years of Court Transcription experience.
For Police Departments and all Law Enforcement
we can transcribe audio from traffic stops (in car camera and body microphones),
911 and dispatch, consensual intercept phone calls and wiretaps.
We specialize in Transcripts such as custodial interrogations, witness statements
and photo arrays in English and Spanish.
Transcripts for all types of audio recorded in any format.
Our 3 Steps are EASY to follow!
Did we say EASY?
Online Payment/Deposits!
G&L Transcription of NJ is your one source for Certified Court Transcripts
anywhere in New Jersey.
G&L Transcription of NJ provides certified transcripts to law firms, attorneys, legal professionals and the general public. With extensive experience of over 25 years, our team of certified transcribers produces transcripts from both the State and Municipal Courts at both the trial and appellate levels. Our Agency is certified by the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts and the Appellate Division of the State of New Jersey. We are also certified by the New York State Unified Court System.
In addition to Court Transcription, we specialize in Law Enforcement transcripts such as custodial interrogations, witness statements, photo arrays, 911 and police dispatch recordings, traffic stops, and in car and body camera videos.
G&L Transcription of NJ is owned and operated by Karen and Scott Cohen.
Karen has been a NJ Certified transcriber since 1992. She holds an AD/T license issued
by the NJ Administrative Office of the Courts.
Scott became the co-owner of G&L Transcription of NJ in 2000 and is licensed by the
Administrative Office of the Courts as the Agency Director. He is a licensed attorney in
the State of New Jersey. From 1986 to 2000 he was a Senior Trial Attorney with the Law
Offices of Robert Auerbach. He has been appointed on more than one occasion by the
NJ Administrative Office of the Courts to serve on the NJ Transcription Certification
Thank you for handling our rush transcript order in such a timely manner. It met our deadline with hours to spare.
You are our favorite Court Transcription Agency in New Jersey.
I just wanted to let you know that your customer service is the best. Someone always answers the phone when we call and also returns our e-mails promptly.
You make ordering a court transcript in New Jersey so easy.